Ocean State Job Lot Master List
Here is an entire list of every Ocean State Job Lot store that I could find.
I also listed the former tenants of the buildings (what the building was before Job Lot moved in)
If there is a store location missing from the list or you would like to make a suggestion leave a comment.
If there is a "???" in the column of "former tenant(s)" it means I don't know what was in the building before Job Lot.
The list can be seen here
Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form, related to Ocean State Job Lot, Their Stores, OSJL or any other related entitles. I am also not related in any way, shape, or form to any of the other brands or their entitles that may or may not be seen on the list (Stop & Shop for example). I just made this list for fun & because I was bored.
Ocean State Job Lot please don't sue me lol
Enjoy |
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